Application of non invasive ventilation in treating sleep apnea syndromes 无创人工通气在睡眠呼吸暂停综合征治疗中的应用
These examinations may involve irradiation and some are invasive and traumatic . whereas cardiovascular mri imaging is totally non invasive and does not involve irradiation 当中一些检查需使用辐射,也有介入性和创伤性,而用mri作心脏的检查则完全无辐射、无介入性。
Abstract : the concept of digital initiation technique and micro pyrotechnics is described , and micro - electromechanical system , microthruster pro pulsion system , miniaturized explosive train and non invasive syringe are demonst rated 文摘:介绍了数字化火工技术、微烟火技术的概念及内涵,并且介绍了以该概念为基础的微型火箭列阵、微机电技术微型传爆序列和无针注射器的发展。